Year Summary
Spring Schedule
President: Jeremy McCorkle
Captain: Mike Cartner
Summer Schedule
Date | Album | Opponent | A Side | B Side | Location |
Fall Schedule
President: Jeremy McCorkle
Captain: Andrew Pelland
Date | Album | Opponent | A Side | B Side | Location |
0000-00-00 | | Wake Forest University | | | Raleigh, NC |
0000-00-00 | | North Carolina State University | | | Raleigh, NC |
1999-09-08 | | University of Georgia | 50-0 | | Clemson, SC |
1999-09-10 | | University of North Carolina | | | Chalotte, NC |
1999-09-16 | | Virginia Tech | | | Blacksburg, VA |
1999-09-24 |  | UNC Charlotte | | | Clemson, SC |
1999-10-03 | | Alumni Match | | | Clemson, SC |
1999-10-16 | | University of Tennessee | 12-26 | | Atlanta, GA |
1999-10-27 | | Georgia Tech | | | Clemson, SC |
1999-11-02 | | Furman University | | 30-7 | Clemson, SC |