Jonathan Mullikin


As past club president and former Clemson rugby foundation board member Clemson rugby has been an important part of my life since the first time I walked on the pitch. When I look back rugby has been a major impact on almost every major event in my life. From connecting me with my first career o...Read More

Colton Thompson


I played just about every position on the pitch except for Prop and Hooker during my time on the team from 2005 to 2008 but spent most of my time in the backline. Especially in my first few years, I had a bit of an arrogant streak and often referred to myself as "New Hotness" or "ATH" (football r...Read More

Jim McMillan


The word Ethos has a mystic feel to it. Definiton>>"The character or disposition of a community, group or persons, etc." Very few of us arrive at Clemson with knowledge of rugby and much less awareness of the rugby team spirit. My first impression was that BOTH teams on the pitch for a competitiv...Read More